FAQ about Attorneys in Mediation

It is no secret that litigated divorces are extremely draining, both on finances and emotions, which is why many couples turn to mediation as an alternative. Mediation increases the opportunity for divorcing or separating couples to reach an amicable agreement by working together rather than engaging in a nasty and protracted courtroom battle. Mediation is a voluntary…

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Questions to Ask When Considering Divorce Mediation

Deciding to end a marriage is never easy. But once the decision is made, most couples agree they want to avoid a long, bitter courtroom battle. Instead, they may seek a more peaceful resolution through Divorce Mediation. If you’re considering this route, it’s essential to understand what it entails. Here, we answer the most frequently…

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Will Mandatory Mediation Help Settle New York Divorce Cases?

A mandatory mediation program has been implemented in Supreme Court Nassau County for all couples who seek to have their divorces heard by a judge. How successful will this program be in helping couples settle their cases without additional court involvement? After reading the New York Times City Room Blog it appears there is some skepticism among attorneys. As…

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