Divorce: Setting Healthy Boundaries

When you are going through a divorce it is important to set healthy boundaries with family, friends, and even colleagues. By setting boundaries you can protect your well-being and ensure a smoother transition. Here are some recommendations for how you can set boundaries with different relationships during your divorce. Family and Friends: Handling the “Greek…

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5 Tips for Using Social Media During Your Divorce

Social media can complicate your divorce. It is important to recognize how your posts and actions online can negatively impact your divorce process. Here are 5 tips to help you protect your personal life and reputation during this sensitive time. Contact Vacca Family Law Group Divorce is an emotional and complex journey, and social media…

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High-Net-Worth Divorce – Part 2: Ensuring Your Agreement Effectively Protects Your Wealth

As you navigate negotiations in your high-net-worth divorce and start envisioning your post-divorce life, you must ensure that all of the financial ramifications of the Agreement are comprehensively considered. Here are essential steps to protect your wealth and secure your financial future. Create Models for Your Post-Divorce Financial Life After gathering and analyzing all financial…

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Divorce Without Drama: Understanding Collaborative and Mediation Options – Andrea Vacca on the Life Unlimited Podcast

Divorce is rarely easy. Luckily, there are alternatives to the adversarial process of litigation that could lead to more peaceful resolutions. I had a great conversation with Larry Heller, Certified Financial Planner, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, and President of Heller Wealth Management on his podcast Life Unlimited to define and explore two powerful divorce alternatives:…

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The Right Insurance Coverage During and After Divorce

One often overlooked area in a divorce is your insurance coverage. Having the right insurance coverage during and after a divorce will protect you and your assets. Let’s break down what you need to know, using insights from one of our Better Divorce podcast episodes, Ensuring Your Assets Are Properly Protected By Your Insurance During…

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Investment Strategies to Grow Your Wealth Post-Divorce

As you transition to a new phase of life after your divorce, you need to establish a solid financial strategy to secure your future. In an interview on our podcast, “A Better Divorce” on the topic of Investing After Divorce, our guest, David Edwards, shared invaluable insights on managing and growing your wealth post-divorce. David…

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