Posts Tagged ‘Collaborative Divorce’
How to Talk to Your Spouse about a Collaborative Divorce
At the beginning of each new year, many couples who have been contemplating divorce make a final decision to move forward and end their marriage. That decision was probably hard enough to come to. But there is one more important decision the two of you have to make — HOW will you divorce? What process will you…
Read MoreCollaborative Divorce Following Financial Betrayal
I recently presented a workshop entitled “Collaborating in the Face of Financial Betrayal” at the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals 18th Annual Networking and Educational Forum, alongside my colleagues, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, Ivy Menchel and Divorce Coach, Abby Rosmarin. While this workshop was geared to the divorce professionals in the room, there are many lessons that anyone who…
Read MoreDear Anthony and Huma: Please Make Court the Last Resort for Your Divorce
On September 25th, Anthony Weiner was sentenced to 21 months in prison for sending sexually explicit text messages to a minor. In this article I do not wish to comment on his crime or sentencing, but rather the interesting dynamic in court between him and his wife, Huma Abedin, during their divorce proceedings in the…
Read MoreNon-Adversarial Divorces Can Inspire Us to Rise Above These Difficult Political Times
Politics and divorce have a lot in common when you think about it. There are two different sides, an array of commentators, and the parties exhibit entrenched thinking from which they find it nearly impossible to budge. Luckily, there are some moments of cooperation in both politics and divorce—and there’s no reason why there can’t…
Read MoreThe Importance of Time If Your Goal is a Non-Adversarial Divorce
{3 minutes to read} Recently, I was the mediator for a couple that was experiencing significant obstacles in reaching their divorce agreement. One of the parties was furious at the other for wanting the divorce, and he was finding it very difficult to move past his anger. Luckily there was a very powerful force working…
Read MoreMore Reasons To Keep Your Divorce Out of Court: Control & Flexibility
The is the second article in a series focused on Why Court Should Be the Last Resort For Your Divorce. If you’d like a copy of the infographic that tells you more, click here. Join me as we continue to examine the myriad reasons why you may want to reconsider the idea of having “your day…
Read More2 Good Reasons to Keep Your Divorce Out of Court: It’s All About the Future and Long Term Satisfaction
The is the first article in a series focused on Why Court Should Be the Last Resort For Your Divorce. If you’d like a copy of the infographic that tells you more, click here. “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson If you get…
Read MoreBeing the Lawyer Clients Need — But Think They Do Not Want
As a mediator and collaborative lawyer, I attract clients whose main priority is to come to an amicable agreement. What I want them to understand is that an amicable agreement does not equal a vague agreement. We need to balance the desire for an amicable divorce negotiation with the need to create an agreement that…
Read MoreConscious Lawyering: Being A Part of the Solution, Not Adding to the Problem
I have written before about the benefits of mindfulness and conscious coupling. In this blog I focus on the mindfulness of the attorney or mediator who is working with the couple. Let’s call it “conscious lawyering.” For a couple considering divorce, the process is going to involve uncomfortable feelings and situations. As a collaborative lawyer or mediator, I…
Read MoreThe True Cost of Litigation (Survey Says!)
Divorce litigation is expensive; everyone knows that. But did you know that if your attorneys don’t get along, the cost will be 20% higher? I was struck when I heard that fact mentioned at a panel discussion on the topic of what mediation clients can expect if they end up in court. One of the panel…
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