Posts Tagged ‘Children’
Ending Your Marriage Doesn’t Mean Your Children Have to Suffer
Lying awake at night worrying how a divorce will affect your children? Ending your marriage doesn’t mean your children have to suffer. Vacca Law Group can help you discover how to protect your children in divorce.
Read More3 Common Mistakes When A Divorce Is Not Child-Centered
In the blog 7 Tips for Putting Children First in a Divorce, I discussed how to have a child-centered divorce and the benefits to children. The other side of the equation is the common mistakes that parents make when they put their needs ahead of the children’s needs. 1. Parents Making Assumptions that are NOT in…
Read More7 Tips for Putting Children First in a Divorce
A child-centered divorce is a divorce where the parents keep the physical and emotional needs of their children as their primary concern. In a child-centered divorce, every decision the parents make is through that lens – How will this affect our children? What is important to our kids, now and in the future? Most parents…
Read More“Nesting”: A Creative Living Option for Divorced Spouses with Children
Please enjoy this guest blog post by Laura Rolnick, Esq. On top of the financial and emotional aspects of dissolving a marriage, divorcing couples with children must also consider the very important question of where they will live, and where parenting time will take place. The growing recognition of the family as a sanctified entity…
Read MoreWho Supports the Boomerang Kids After a Divorce?
Working outside of the court system allows divorcing parents of the boomerang generation to consider, discuss and plan for when their adult children return home. In the New York Times Magazine, there was recently an article about the boomerang generation. Kids are coming out of college and moving back home with their parents, perhaps after unsuccessfully trying…
Read MoreHow to Protect the Family in the Face of Divorce
I help couples end their marriages without destroying their families. That’s not just a tagline on my website or part of my elevator speech; it’s the actual reason that I no longer use adversarial methods to help my clients who are divorcing or separating. An article in the New York Times that focused on Al and Tipper Gore…
Read MoreThe Role of a Child’s Wishes When a Parent Wants to Relocate
Clients often ask what role a child’s wishes should (or do) play when one parent is considering moving them to a new location, away from the other parent. A New York Court has recently issued a thoughtful decision regarding this issue. New York law tells us that when considering a custodial parent’s request to relocate,…
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