Firm Announcements

Will Mandatory Mediation Help Settle New York Divorce Cases?

By Andrea Vacca

A mandatory mediation program has been implemented in Supreme Court Nassau County for all couples who seek to have their divorces heard by a judge. How successful will this program be in helping couples settle their cases without additional court involvement? After…

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New York Lawyers Can Expect An Increase in Cases Due to No Fault Divorce

By Andrea Vacca

New York’s new no fault divorce law – which allows a couple to divorce if one party claims there has been an irretrievable breakdown in the marriage – went into effect on October 12, 2010. Will this increase the number…

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New York Finally Enacts No-Fault Divorce

By Andrea Vacca

Governor David Patterson signed New York’s no-fault divorce bill into law yesterday, bringing New York in line with the 49 other states that already have some version of the law. So what exactly does this bill do? It amends Section…

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