Divorce Without Drama: Understanding Collaborative and Mediation Options – Andrea Vacca on the Life Unlimited Podcast

Divorce is rarely easy. Luckily, there are alternatives to the adversarial process of litigation that could lead to more peaceful resolutions. I had a great conversation with Larry Heller, Certified Financial Planner, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, and President of Heller Wealth Management on his podcast Life Unlimited to define and explore two powerful divorce alternatives: Mediation and Collaborative Divorce.

From choosing the right attorney to the importance of strong communication skills, this episode has the tips and resources you need to have a non-adversarial divorce. If you're facing a divorce or simply curious about your options, this conversation could be the key to finding a less stressful, cost-effective, and more constructive path forward.


For more information about how Mediation or Collaborative Divorce could work for your unique situation, contact us online or by calling (646) 798-4740.