Conscious Coupling: A New Approach to Prenups – Podcast Interview Featuring Andrea Vacca

Recently, I was interviewed on the WORTHY podcast ‘Divorce – and other things you can handle!’ to address the stigma around prenups and how a pragmatic approach can be the foundation for long-lasting romance. Listen to the podcast, and get my tips on how prenups and conscious coupling can create healthier marriages: In this podcast and in…

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Second Marriages: Why a Prenuptial Agreement is Wise

As we get older we’re supposed to get wiser. In fact, I would rank increased wisdom at the very top of the benefits of aging. So why do so many people enter their second or even third marriages ignoring what they know? The statistics prove these marriages are more likely to end in divorce than…

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A Common Sense Guide To Prenuptial Agreements

Over the past few years, my law and mediation practices have seen a significant increase in requests for prenuptial agreements.   My clients, whether they come from extensive family wealth, are self-made entrepreneurs, or young professionals just starting out in their careers, come to me with the best of intentions. They love their fiance and…

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Plan to Have a Great Marriage

I recently read an article on The New York Times wellness blog by Tara Parker-Pope called ‘The Decisive Marriage.’ In it, Parker-Pope explores the research gathered through The National Marriage Project and asks how does being decisive – or not – affect a marriage? Though it is not mentioned in the article, I thought some of the…

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