The New Era of Amicable Celebrity Divorces: Collaborative Divorce and Mediation in the Spotlight

In a world where divorce has historically been synonymous with bitterness and blame, 2023 has been a hallmark year for celebrity splits. From music artists Britney Spears, Ariana Grande, and Taylor Swift to actors Hugh Jackman, Sophia Vergara, and Reese Witherspoon, high-profile couples have been making headlines with their amicable divorce announcements. Instead of hurling…

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Financial Considerations If You Are Divorcing With Children

Divorce is never an easy process, and it becomes even more complex when children are involved. Not only does it bring emotional upheaval to the family, but it can also have significant and long-term financial implications. In this blog, we explore the various financial aspects to consider when going through a divorce with children so…

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Strategies for Divorcing and Co-Parenting with a Narcissist

Divorcing and co-parenting with an ex are difficult enough to navigate on their own, but when dealing with a narcissistic partner, the challenges can be even more overwhelming. The heightened emotions involved, the potential for high-conflict situations, and the manipulative tactics of your ex can leave you feeling confused and exhausted. However, with a clear…

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How Does Cheating Impact Divorce Settlements?

Divorce proceedings and settlements can be significantly impacted by acts of physical betrayal, such as cheating, due to the emotional issues that must be overcome by both sides. While cheating has little to no impact on the law surrounding the distribution of assets, payments of alimony or child support, or child custody in divorce cases,…

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How Mediation Works to Resolve Divorce Disputes

As you and your soon-to-be ex navigate the divorce process, disputes may arise that you can’t resolve on your own. You may assume that litigation is your only option to resolve these disputes, but mediation could be a suitable alternative option that enables you to avoid litigation and reach an agreement that benefits you and…

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Exploring Collaborative Divorce in Cross-Cultural Relationships

You’ve probably heard it said that “Opposites attract.” But sometimes, sustaining relationships between people of differing cultures can be challenging.  Cultural differences between you and your spouse can be interesting and exciting when things are good but can place a strain on your marriage when difficulties arise.  These differences can also complicate the divorce process.…

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