Questions to Ask When Considering Divorce Mediation

Deciding to end a marriage is never easy. But once the decision is made, most couples agree they want to avoid a long, bitter courtroom battle. Instead, they may seek a more peaceful resolution through Divorce Mediation. If you’re considering this route, it’s essential to understand what it entails. Here, we answer the most frequently…

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How to Divorce Proof Your Business

Jeffrey Landers has an informative blog post on about divorce-proofing your business in the event of divorce. Landers covers the basics of the importance of prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements and placing the business in a trust. And it smartly points out that these are options to consider not only if contemplating divorce in the future but also…

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Why the Team Approach to a New York Collaborative Divorce Makes Sense

When collaborative divorce was first developed, it was a process that involved two attorneys and their clients. The attorneys not only counseled and advised their clients about the law, but also about the financial and child-related issues that needed to be resolved. And they did their best to help with the emotional and communication issues that inevitably…

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Why I Practice Collaborative Law

On August 11, 2010, I was a presenter at a CLE entitled “Why Would An Attorney Want to Practice Collaborative Law?”, which was presented by the New York Association of Collaborative Professionals and sponsored by Moses & Singer, LLP. The matrimonial litigators in attendance asked many good questions about the process itself and about the kinds of…

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