Mindfulness as a Tool for a Less Adversarial Divorce

Divorce can be an overwhelming experience. For most of us the days are full enough, yet divorcing couples are confronted with finding the time to fit in things they would not normally need to do, like meeting with attorneys and working on post-divorce budgets. I recently discovered an author named Jon Kabat-Zinn whose book Wherever You Go, There You…

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The Power of Positive Psychology in Divorce – 5 Concepts

One of the reasons I am passionate about collaborative law is because I am able to learn so much from it. Recently my desire to learn led me to discover a new way of looking at the world through the lens of Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology is the scientific study of well-being, happiness and what helps people…

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The Road Map to Collaborative Divorce

The setting in which Family Law attorneys work is often not a courtroom, but a complicated landscape of their clients’ needs and emotions. Because many of these emotions are difficult to experience, it is natural that a divorcing couple might want the process to conclude quickly. But moving forward too quickly without sufficient understanding of each party’s true needs…

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Use of Technology to Reduce Conflicts in Co-Parenting

A recent article in The Huffington Post summarized a University of Missouri study that analyzed the way divorced parents use technology to facilitate (or hinder) their co-parenting arrangements. According to the study, parents with effective communication used technology to improve parent-parent communication as well as parent-child access, while parents with ineffective communication used technology to frustrate both…

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How to Protect the Family in the Face of Divorce

I help couples end their marriages without destroying their families. That’s not just a tagline on my website or part of my elevator speech; it’s the actual reason that I no longer use adversarial methods to help my clients who are divorcing or separating. An article in the New York Times that focused on Al and Tipper Gore…

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The Role of a Child’s Wishes When a Parent Wants to Relocate

Clients often ask what role a child’s wishes should (or do) play when one parent is considering moving them to a new location, away from the other parent. A New York Court has recently issued a thoughtful decision regarding this issue. New York law tells us that when considering a custodial parent’s request to relocate,…

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FAQ about Attorneys in Mediation

It is no secret that litigated divorces are extremely draining, both on finances and emotions, which is why many couples turn to mediation as an alternative. Mediation increases the opportunity for divorcing or separating couples to reach an amicable agreement by working together rather than engaging in a nasty and protracted courtroom battle. Mediation is a voluntary…

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Navigating Your Gray Divorce – Part II

“To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.” – Bono In my last blog, I discussed the phenomenon of “gray divorce” and touched on some of the unique issues that older couples face when divorcing. In this post, I will share…

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Navigating Your Gray Divorce – Part I

Is 60 the new 40? If we follow the guideposts reflected in pop culture, the answer is a resounding “yes.” The new face of MAC Cosmetics is a 90-year-old woman. Christopher Plummer won this year’s best supporting actor Academy Award for his role in Beginners, in which he portrayed a a 70-year-old man who reveals…

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