Financial Infidelity and Divorce: It’s Complicated

The legal, emotional and financial needs of couples divorcing due to “financial infidelity” are often complex. When many people hear that “infidelity” was the reason for a divorce, they automatically assume it has to do with sex. More and more often, however, I see that “infidelity” with money is the reason why marriages are ending. Where…

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The “Good Enough” Agreement

When a couple divorces, it is usually the case that neither party gets everything he or she wants. Understanding and accepting this fact before you start the divorce process can help make the process less costly – both financially and emotionally. One of the many things I have learned from my family law clients over the past…

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To Do No Harm

The Hippocratic Oath, which reads in part: I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel, is often summarized by the phrase “Do no harm.” This simple yet powerful credo is an excellent approach for solving problems in many situations, including divorce. Contrary to the approach of traditional divorce…

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Changing Course (in your divorce)

If you’re in the middle of a litigated divorce and are unhappy with the way things are going, you can change course. You might have started the divorce process with the goal of ending the marriage quickly and feeling as financially secure as possible at the end. You might have hired the first attorney who came highly…

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The Team Approach To Divorce

An article entitled The Team Approach to Divorce was published in the July 2013 issue of New York Family Law Monthly, an ALM publication. In the article, I explain how the professional-team approach works in the collaborative process and how attorneys who primarily litigate can use aspects of this approach to help settle their family law cases. Read an…

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How to Have the Nastiest Divorce Possible

Note to readers: I’ve been wanting to write about how to avoid “nasty” divorces without all the gloom and doom that usually accompanies such a topic. And then it struck me: Use equal parts facts, sarcasm and humor! If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage and you want to look back…

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