The Positive Influence The Media is Having on Divorce (Really!)

Recent headlines in newspapers, magazines and on television proclaim that millennials are causing lower divorce rates than previous generations, in large part because of what they have seen in their own parents’ divorces and how divorce has traditionally been portrayed in the media. Millennials are Causing the US Divorce Rate to Plummet – CBS News You…

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5 Reasons Why I Recommend Divorce Coaching

A divorce coach is often a vital, but perhaps lesser known, member of the team you will be putting together as you move forward with your divorce. I recommend divorce coaches in all my cases because they help my clients get clear on their goals and concerns, communicate more effectively, advocate for themselves more productively,…

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Let It Go: Revenge Isn’t a Healthy End to a Marriage

Let it go, Let it go,Can’t hold it back anymore.  Let it go, let it goTurn away and slam the door Unless you’ve been under a rock the past couple years, you’re familiar with the smash hit from Frozen, sung by Idina Menzel. The songwriters were on to something: while revenge sounds sweet, letting it go is…

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Are You Suffering from Paralysis by Analysis?

The idea behind paralysis by analysis is when a decision needs to be made, all the options are over-analyzed, and not one “works.” Everything that could happen, should have happened, or did happen is considered and weighed. Then, the paralysis sets in, and no action is taken. Sometimes this concept can lead to marriages lasting beyond their healthy breakpoint;…

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