How Do I Build the Right Divorce Team For My High-Asset Divorce?
Complex financial issues can make an already difficult divorce process even more challenging. For this reason, assembling the right team for your high-asset divorce is one of the most important steps to take early in the divorce process. Having a…
Read MoreFiling Taxes During and After a Divorce
Handling your tax returns can be a daunting task, and when you are filing after a divorce, the complexity increases. It is important to ensure a seamless collaboration between your divorce attorney and accountant to address current and future tax-related…
Read MoreWhy is January Considered Divorce Month?
With the new year comes new beginnings-the holiday decorations are packed away, the kids head back to school, and many of us are inspired to start anew. Due to these and various other factors, many couples reevaluate their relationships at…
Read MoreMy Marriage is Over. What Do I Need to Do Now?
If you realize your marriage is over, but you have no idea what to do next, know that you are not alone in facing this challenging situation. This is, undoubtedly, one of the most difficult parts of the process to…
Read MoreHow Your Divorce Will Affect Your Adult Children
Divorce reshapes not just the lives of a couple but the entire family, even if the children are grown. It is not unusual for a couple with grown adult children to think that their divorce won’t have a significant impact…
Read MoreDivorcing with Substantial Assets? Consider a Collaborative Approach
So, you find yourself in a divorce, but it is not just any divorce—it involves the substantial assets that you and your spouse have accumulated during your marriage. Your emotions are already high, and the complexities seem overwhelming. As you…
Read MoreHoliday Planning for Divorcing Parents – Part 3: Celebrating the Holidays After the Divorce Is Final
As difficult as it may have been to reach an agreement with your ex regarding how to spend the holidays with your children after your divorce, your work as a parent to make sure your child’s holidays are happy is…
Read MoreHoliday Planning for Divorcing Parents – Part 2: How Collaborative Divorce Supports Creative Solutions for Spending the Holidays Together
Divorcing during the holidays is not easy for you or your children, but it may be unavoidable. So what is the best way to divorce if you want to maintain holiday traditions while minimizing the impact your divorce will have…
Read MoreHoliday Planning for Divorcing Parents – Part 1: Putting the Children First
For most people, the holiday season is the happiest of times, but for families in the middle of a divorce or after the conclusion of a divorce, this season can be the toughest. Parents often say their top goal in…
Read MoreDivorce for Men: Common Emotional Challenges, Communication Tips, and How to Get Support
Divorce is difficult for everyone, but there are significant differences in how men and women come to terms with divorce. The unique issues men in heterosexual relationships face when divorcing can further complicate the divorce process if not properly addressed…
Read MoreThe New Era of Amicable Celebrity Divorces: Collaborative Divorce and Mediation in the Spotlight
In a world where divorce has historically been synonymous with bitterness and blame, 2023 has been a hallmark year for celebrity splits. From music artists Britney Spears, Ariana Grande, and Taylor Swift to actors Hugh Jackman, Sophia Vergara, and Reese…
Read MoreFinancial Considerations If You Are Divorcing With Children
Divorce is never an easy process, and it becomes even more complex when children are involved. Not only does it bring emotional upheaval to the family, but it can also have significant and long-term financial implications. In this blog, we…
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