
Use of Technology to Reduce Conflicts in Co-Parenting

By Andrea Vacca

A recent article in The Huffington Post summarized a University of Missouri study that analyzed the way divorced parents use technology to facilitate (or hinder) their co-parenting arrangements. According to the study, parents with effective communication used technology to improve parent-parent communication…

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How to Protect the Family in the Face of Divorce

By Andrea Vacca

I help couples end their marriages without destroying their families. That’s not just a tagline on my website or part of my elevator speech; it’s the actual reason that I no longer use adversarial methods to help my clients who…

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The Role of a Child’s Wishes When a Parent Wants to Relocate

By Andrea Vacca

Clients often ask what role a child’s wishes should (or do) play when one parent is considering moving them to a new location, away from the other parent. A New York Court has recently issued a thoughtful decision regarding this…

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Mediation - Vacca Law

FAQ about Attorneys in Mediation

By Andrea Vacca

It is no secret that litigated divorces are extremely draining, both on finances and emotions, which is why many couples turn to mediation as an alternative. Mediation increases the opportunity for divorcing or separating couples to reach an amicable agreement by working…

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“Navigating the Gray Divorce With Dignity” Published in Huffington Post

By Andrea Vacca

My article on Navigating the Gray Divorce With Dignity was recently published by the Huffington Post.

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Prenuptial Agreements: Top Ten Reasons for Signing

By Andrea Vacca

The summer months have traditionally been the most popular for weddings, which could be why calls to my office from couples seeking prenuptial agreements tend to increase each spring. Following is an “encore presentation” of an article regarding such agreements…

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Navigating Your Gray Divorce – Part II

By Andrea Vacca

“To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.” – Bono In my last blog, I discussed the phenomenon of “gray divorce” and touched on some of…

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Navigating Your Gray Divorce – Part I

By Andrea Vacca

Is 60 the new 40? If we follow the guideposts reflected in pop culture, the answer is a resounding “yes.” The new face of MAC Cosmetics is a 90-year-old woman. Christopher Plummer won this year’s best supporting actor Academy Award…

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Questions to Ask When Considering Divorce Mediation

By Andrea Vacca

Deciding to end a marriage is never easy. But once the decision is made, most couples agree they want to avoid a long, bitter courtroom battle. Instead, they may seek a more peaceful resolution through Divorce Mediation. If you’re considering…

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How to Divorce Proof Your Business

By Andrea Vacca

Jeffrey Landers has an informative blog post on about divorce-proofing your business in the event of divorce. Landers covers the basics of the importance of prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements and placing the business in a trust. And it smartly points out that…

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Why the Team Approach to a New York Collaborative Divorce Makes Sense

By Andrea Vacca

When collaborative divorce was first developed, it was a process that involved two attorneys and their clients. The attorneys not only counseled and advised their clients about the law, but also about the financial and child-related issues that needed to be resolved.…

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As the Divorce Rate Increases, Divorce Financial Professionals are Available to Help Clients Make Decisions Based Upon Economic Realities

By Andrea Vacca

NPR reported this week that the divorce rate is on the rebound due to the fact that the economy is improving. Some of the reasons cited for this change are the fact that credit is getting somewhat easier to obtain, investment…

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