Prenuptial Agreements Part 1: What’s Mine is Yours? What’s Yours Is Mine? Wait, What’s Going On?
It’s wedding season, and in addition to checking the typical wedding-related tasks off the to-do list, many soon-to-be newlyweds are reaching out to lawyers like me to draft prenuptial agreements. And one of the most common things they tell me is:…
Read MoreThe True Cost of Litigation (Survey Says!)
Divorce litigation is expensive; everyone knows that. But did you know that if your attorneys don’t get along, the cost will be 20% higher? I was struck when I heard that fact mentioned at a panel discussion on the topic…
Read MoreDivorcing? Do You Want Your Attorney to be a Problem-Solver or a Troublemaker?
Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser—in fees, expenses, and waste of time. As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being…
Read MoreDivorce Shouldn’t Feel like a Sprint or a Marathon. What Is the Right Pace?
When divorcing couples choose to negotiate the terms of their divorces outside of the court system—whether through mediation or collaborative law—they typically have the best intentions going into the process. They want to be fair to each other; they want…
Read MoreLooking for a Mediation Consulting Attorney? Here are 3 questions to ask
The primary function of a consulting attorney is to provide advice and counsel during the mediation process and provide the support you need to advocate for yourself. This is different from a “review attorney” whose primary job is to review the agreement…
Read More7 Tips for Putting Children First in a Divorce
A child-centered divorce is a divorce where the parents keep the physical and emotional needs of their children as their primary concern. In a child-centered divorce, every decision the parents make is through that lens – How will this affect…
Read MoreTrickle Down Divorce
I heard someone suggest that when thinking about New Year’s Resolutions you should think about what you can do that will have an impact in 200-400 years. And that got me thinking about the work I do and how much of…
Read MoreMediation or Collaborative Divorce: Which process is right for you?
When it comes to choosing an alternative to divorcing in court, both divorce mediation and collaborative divorce have their own unique advantages. Divorce Mediation Divorce mediation is a private and confidential method of non-adversarial divorce in which the participants advocate…
Read MoreThe Importance of Consulting Attorneys in Mediation
Mediation is a great process for maintaining limited involvement with attorneys, but they shouldn’t be shut out completely. Recently I’ve spoken to a number of potential clients who are about to enter into the divorce process and want to use…
Read MoreA Common Sense Guide To Prenuptial Agreements
Over the past few years, my law and mediation practices have seen a significant increase in requests for prenuptial agreements. My clients, whether they come from extensive family wealth, are self-made entrepreneurs, or young professionals just starting out in…
Read MoreViolation of Dignity: The Reason Why Many Divorces End Up in Court
This fall, I attended a meeting of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, where one of the keynote speakers was Donna Hicks, PhD. Throughout Donna’s academic and professional career she has written books about the power of dignity and, specifically, its importance in…
Read MoreAsking “WHY” – The Secret to Successful Divorce Negotiations
One of the weaknesses of litigated divorce is that it encourages rigid thinking that stands in the way of compromise. Choosing your battles wisely is an important strategy in all areas of life, including if you are in the process…
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