The Artisans of the Collaborative Divorce Process – Part 2: The Family Specialist
Lawyers can do a lot of things to help clients in a collaborative divorce, but financial expertise or emotional expertise is sometimes best handled by specialists and experts – who I like to call the “artisans” of divorce. In part one of…
Read MorePre-Divorce Legal Guidance: How a Lawyer Can Help You Make Decisions Before You Divorce
Many clients ask us what they can do if they know they want to divorce but aren’t sure if the time is right. Perhaps they’re concerned about finances or what will happen with their kids. Maybe they’re anticipating – or…
Read MoreThe Artisans of the Collaborative Divorce Process – Part 1: The Financial Neutral
I recently heard the analogy, “Attorneys in a Collaborative Divorce are like the general contractors.” The lawyers know the law and what issues and problems need to be solved, but they do not have the level of financial expertise, nor…
Read MoreDivorcing in the Face of Economic Uncertainty When Court Is Not An Option
In this Wealth Matters Column in the New York Times, I talked about options that are available to couples who want to divorce while the courts are closed or backlogged during the coronavirus pandemic. The columnist, Paul Sullivan, was particularly interested…
Read MoreDivorce Considerations During the Coronavirus Crisis
In any divorce, there are 3 key stages: the first divorce consideration is the decision about whether to divorce, the second is moving forward through the divorce process you’ve chosen, and the third is finalizing the details of the divorce.…
Read MoreDo You Want to Protect Your Privacy During Divorce? Then Keep It Out Of Court
When someone is first thinking about filing for divorce, they don’t often think about the lack of privacy that comes with the traditional divorce process. In New York, courtrooms are open to everyone. Reporters may be in the courtroom, neighbors may…
Read More3 Common Mistakes When A Divorce Is Not Child-Centered
In the blog 7 Tips for Putting Children First in a Divorce, I discussed how to have a child-centered divorce and the benefits to children. The other side of the equation is the common mistakes that parents make when they put…
Read MoreDivorce Without Court: A More Peaceful Solution – New eBook
New eBook by Andrea Vacca: Divorce Without Court: A More Peaceful Solution Do you assume divorce pits one spouse against the other, resulting in a nasty battle where no one actually wins and children are the collateral damage? When most…
Read More5 Reasons Why You May Want A Postnuptial Agreement
Postnuptial agreements are contracts that are signed during the marriage. These are often entered into when there has been some sort of change in the marital relationship or financial circumstances that causes one or both parties to seek more financial security…
Read MoreHow to Reduce the Costs of Your Divorce
Divorce in New York can be expensive and this is especially true if there are complicated issues involved regarding finances or your children. But there are things you can do to keep the costs down. I recently contributed to a…
Read MoreHow to Get Divorced When Your Spouse Doesn’t Want to End the Marriage
In most divorces, both spouses are aware that the marriage is ending and they decide what process they will use to reach an agreement, such as using mediation or the collaborative process. In other divorces, however, there has not been a meeting of…
Read MoreGray Divorce and the Benefits of a Divorce Team
People divorcing after the age of 50, often called grey divorce, recognize that they have some different financial and emotional issues not faced in younger couples who divorce. As I wrote earlier, navigating a grey divorce with dignity is often an essential…
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